Sewickley Unplugged is a group of parents, children, and community members dedicated to supporting healthy relationships with technology and encouraging outdoor play in the Sewickley area.
Collective action is taking place: at home, in our schools, and in our community. Join us to learn more, share resources, and be part of the change!
Technology is a good thing when used intentionally and with purpose
Childhood is being stolen by screen time
Kids grow best from real life play and from time spent with people
The longer we wait to give children devices, the healthier they will be
Schools should be places to learn, not marketplaces for tech companies
Teachers should focus on teaching and kids should focus on learning
Sewickley Unplugged Commitment
As a family, we commit to waiting until at least 9th grade to give our child(ren) a smart phone and delay access to social media until we feel it will be a positive addition to their lives. Prior to high school, we will explore “talk and text” only devices for communication needs.
We support school policies that prohibit personal electronic devices throughout the school day.
As parents, we will model positive technology behaviors in and outside of the home.
As stakeholders in our community, we support free-roam childhoods and screen-free experiences. Businesses will offer access to phones and camps, clubs, and activities are encouraged to keep devices away.